Concert Programme 2010-2011   
Sat 18 Dec 2010  7:30pm  St.John's  Church, Boxmoor, HP1 1JY Weather caused Cancellation
Sat 12 Feb 2011  7:30pm  St Albans Cathedral and Abbey Church
Joint concert with The Hardynge Choir  
    Haydn Te Deum
    Mozart  Violin Concerto - No.5 in A Major Soloist : Ellie Fagg
    Mozart Mass in C Minor Elizabeth Cragg - Soprano
Antony Gregory  - Tenor
Frances Bourne - Soprano
Edward Grint     - Bass
Sat 09 Apr 2011  7:30pm  St.John's  Church, Boxmoor, HP1 1JY
Spring Concert featuring Faure: Requiem and Vivaldi: Gloria
Soloists  Katherine Boyce - Soprano
Aino Konkka  - Mezzo Soprano
Stephen Hawksley - Baritone
Anna Le Hair  - Piano
Sat 02 July  2011 7:30pm  John F Kennedy School, HP1 2PH
Summer Concert
Flanders & Horovitz  -  Captain Noah and his Floating Zoo
Swann - Festival Matins
Toch - Geographical Fugue
Bacharach - What the world needs now & The look of love  

    & other items
   Anna Le Hair  &  Adrian Johnson (pianos) and other performers